Lexikon Buchstabe: B
- B2B (Business to Business)
- B2C (Business to Consumer)
- BaaS (Backup-as-a-Service)
- Backbone
- Backdoor
- Backup
- Bandbreite
- Barebone
- Bash (Bourne Again Shell)
- Basic
- Batch
- Batterie
- Bayes'sche Analyse
- Bcc (Blind Carbon Copy)
- Benchmarking
- Beta-Software
- Betriebssystem
- Big Data
- Bild-Dateiformat
- Bildlaufleiste
- Bildsensor
- Bildstabilisierung
- Bildtrommel
- Binär
- Binärdatei
- Bing
- Biometrie
- BIOS (Basic Input / Output System)
- Bit
- Bitcoin
- BitLocker
- Bitmap
- Bitrate
- BitTorrent
- Bloatware
- Blockchain
- Blog
- Blu-ray
- Bluetooth
- Bookmark
- Boot-Sequenz
- Bootsektor
- Bootviren
- Bot
- Botnet
- Breadcrumbs
- Brennweite
- Bridge
- Brouter
- Brownfield
- Browser-Cache
- Brute-Force
- BSoD (Blue Screen of Death)
- Bug
- Bugfix
- Bus
- BYOD (Bring your own device)
- Byte